Page 1 of 25 (in total 726 books)
Book + Print (both signed) + Print
Photographs 1952-2008 »last copy!«
A Retrospective Selection of Photographs, 1964-2009
Book + Print (sign. num.)
Special Edition I
Special Edition II
Book + C-Print "Chelsea Intro" (ed. of 100)
Book + Print "Papaver orientale, Türkischer Mohn"
€680.00 €350.00  
The things of the world are true
Guido Guidi, Jason Fulford, Gregory Halpern, Viviane Sassen
Book + Print: #12-6303-08-19-2
Book + Print: #13-6442-11-19-02
(First edition. First printing)
incl. 21 relief plates