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€29.95 €12.95  
Muriel Cooper at MIT 1954-1994
€60.00 €25.00  
Rational Simplicity
€98.00 €44.00  
American Graphic Designer
1918 - 1989
€125.00 €95.00  
Los días al revés
€30.00 €12.95  
The Art and Design of Monumental Typography
€45.00 €19.95  
Creative Dissent in the 21st Century
€39.95 €12.95  
And Feel and Do Things
€60.00 €29.95  
And Feel and Do Things
€37.50 €19.95  
A Feminist, Inclusive, Anti-racist, Nonbinary Field Guide for Graphic Designers
€29.95 €14.80  
Alphabets & Signs
€40.00 €12.95  
On Fashion's Front Page
€28.95 €14.95  
Graphic Design Strategies of the World's Greatest Comics Company
€50.00 €35.00  
Graphic Design & New Typography 1919-1933
€60.00 €29.95  
Artist & Architect
€40.00 €15.00  
€34.95 €14.95  
Design, Revolt, Rainbow
Island of Diagrams, Maps, and Graphics
€35.00 €15.00  
€60.00 €20.00  
€35.00 €10.00