Page 1 of 2 (in total 43 books)
Bookshop Edition
€64.00 €32.00  
A Master and His Workshop in Renaissance Venice
€50.00 €29.95  
Painting and Illumination – 1300-1350
Issues in the Making and Meaning of Reliquaries, 400-circa 1204
€59.95 €19.95  
Aus der Tapisseriensammlung des Kunsthistorischen Museums
€24.80 €10.00  
Art during the Reign of Philip III
€65.00 €25.00  
€69.95 €24.95  
Crusaders, Traders and Explorers
€35.00 €15.00  
€69.95 €34.00  
€69.95 €34.00  
Artiste et Créateur
€180.00 €19.95  
€58.00 €25.00  
Ausgabe im Schmuckschuber
Ausgabe im Schmuckschuber
€69.95 €34.00  
Choreografien der Neapolitanischen Weihnacht
€39.90 €19.95  
Pinxit Mexici
€78.00 €29.95  
Every People Under Heaven
€69.00 €29.95  
Ausgabe im Schmuckschuber
1730s—1970s. Henk Schiffmacher's Private Collection
The Birth of Modernity
€48.00 €19.95  
Aufbruch in die Neuzeit
€48.00 €24.95  
Die Heilige Familie in Paris und München
€39.90 €19.95  
(the Portable Edition)
€14.90 €5.00  
Bilder am Hochaltar und ihre Funktionen im Mittelalter
€19.90 €7.95  
Painters of Seventeenth-Century France
€75.00 €25.00