Carrie Mae Weems – Hasselblad Award 2023
164 pages, 26 x 26 cm , 1272 g.
Carrie Mae Weems – Hasselblad Award 2023
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This richly illustrated catalogue celebrates Carrie Mae Weems, the 2023 Hasselblad Award winner by highlighting a number of prominent works, including Family Pictures and Stories (1978–84), Kitchen Table Series (1990), and From Here I Saw What Happened and I Cried (1995–96).

With an intersectional approach to history and politics, Weems digs deep into photography’s multiple roles in the representation of race, gender, and class. And even as her works scrutinise the mechanisms of stereotyping imagery, her artistic practice insists on visual complexity, as Louise Wolthers and Dragana Vujanović Östlind show in their lengthy introduction. In her essay, Elvira Dyangani Ose, discusses the meaning of colour in Weem’s work, and in particular the relations between colour and race.
EditorLouise Wolthers, Dragana Vujanović Östlind
PublisherWalther König
ContributorsElvira Dyangani Ose, Louise Wolthers, Dragana Vujanović Östlind
Type of bookExhib'publication
Museum / PlaceHasselblad Center, Göteborg
Article IDart-61660


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