Maija Tammi – Leftover / Removals
128 pages, 24 x 30 cm , 1346 g.
Maija Tammi – Leftover / Removals
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Leftover is a photography series of used radiotherapy masks collected from three different hospitals. The masks hold traces of the people who wore them and smell like fear that was and still is.

Tammi collected and photographed over three hundred masks of which a selection of 27 is presented in the book. Award winning series Removals shows some of the most common diseases a few minutes after the surgical operations, captured in the corners of operating rooms, at two hospitals in Finland. The series questions if beauty stops at the skin leaving everything underneath disgusting but also removes the other, the suffering patient, leaving the viewer with the bare disease. The photographs are accompanied with a dialogue of three surgeons talking about the photos.

Leftover/Removals is a double book that combines both series into a parallel story. Maija Tammi (b. 1985) is a Finnish photographer and artist. In 2011 she won both the Finnish Fotofinlandia and Photojournalist of the Year 2010 awards. Her works have been acclaimed and exhibited in Finland, France, Spain, and the USA. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis Sick Photography at the Aalto University's Doctoral Programme in Arts, Design and Architecture in Helsinki. She is a member of a Finnish photography collective 11.
Type of bookExhib'publication
Museum / PlaceGallery Uusi Kipinä, Lahti
Article IDart-45816
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