Guido Sechi & Michele Cera –
Tolyatti is a visual and scientific exploration into society and common spaces in contemporary post-Soviet cities. This work, in particular, is about the city Tolyatti. Tolyatti is the largest Soviet industrial planned city and the most relevant example of a mono-industrial town in contemporary Russia. The largest district of the city, Avtozavodskiy rajon, was built starting from the late 1960s following the establishment of AvtoVAZ, the largest automobile manufacturer in the USSR, in order to accommodate factory workers from all Soviet republics.
Michele Cera (Bari, Italy, 1973). His work has been featured in numerous exhibitions.His work is represented in major public collections, including the Maxxi (NationalMuseum for 21st Century Arts) in Rome. He was co-founder of Documentary Platform, a visual archive about contemporary Italy.
Guido Sechi (Bari, Italy, 1978). Urban and regional planner; researcher and lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Latvia. His interests mostly focus on dynamics of socio-spatial change, development and inequality in post-socialist cities and regions, in particular those of the former USSR.