Blick in die Sammlungen Set
21 x 22.7 cm , 322 g.
Blick in die Sammlungen Set
A Look at the Collection
Was €40.00 €15.00
Including VAT, plus Shipping
Transit time: 2 to 6 business days (worldwide)
Our set consists of the following four books:

- Poetry of Plants – Karl Blossfeldt / Jim Dine (2019)

- Hugo Erfurth – Pictures (2018)

- Industry as a motif (2017)

- Hugo Schmölz / Werner Mantz –
Residential Buildings in Cologne in the 1920s and 1930s (2015)


Other books with these keywords:

1919 – 1953
Valery Faminsky – Das unbekannte Archiv
A Photographie Subject
€48.00 €19.95  
Straßenfotografie in Wien
Collection Susanne von Meiss
€98.00 €48.00  
Fotografien aus der DDR / Die frühen Jahre / 1945-1975
Twentieth Century
€94.95 €29.95  
The Art of Interference
100 Jahre GDL/DFA