Page 1 of 3 (in total 77 books)
Catalogue déraisonné 1986-2010
€29.95 €9.95  
50 ans d'art contemporain
€29.95 €9.95  
Zur Malerei Edouard Manets
€39.90 €7.95  
Book + sign. C-Print
Book + sign. C-Print
Stern Fotografie Portfolio No. 73
€18.00 €9.95  
A Model's Relevance
€40.00 €10.00  
The Boy and the Belle Epoque
€40.00 €19.80  
Art and the Performative in Postwar France
€65.00 €25.00  
Photography in Mid-Nineteenth-Century France
€55.00 €25.00  
€16.95 €7.95  
Eine Liebesaffäre in Paris, Frühling 1939
Mord, Liebe und Kunst im Herzen von Paris
€48.00 €14.95  
20th Century European Battlefields
€39.80 €19.95