Cindy Sherman – Untitled Horrors
232 pages, 21.8 x 27.9 cm , 1124 g.
Cindy Sherman – Untitled Horrors
(English edition)
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Throughout her career, Cindy Sherman (*1954 in Glen Ridge, New Jersey) has been interested in the derailed and deviant sides of human nature, noticeable both in her selection of subject matter (fairytales, disasters, sex, horror, and surrealism) and in her disquieting interpretations of well-established photographic genres, such as film stills, fashion photography, and society portraiture.

This richly illustrated publication seeks to highlight and acknowledge these aspects of her work based on selected examples and accompanied by texts by well-known authors, filmmakers, and artists who likewise deal with the grotesque, the uncanny, and the extraordinary in their artistic practice.
EditorModerna Museet Stockholm
PublisherHatje Cantz
Illustrationswith 135 ills
ContributorsKathy Acker, Sibylle Berg et al.
Type of bookExhib'publication
Museum / PlaceAstrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst, Oslo
Article IDart-12488


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