Joseph Beuys – Wir betreten den Kunstmarkt
Sediment. Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Kunsthandels
Klaus Staeck, artist and publisher, as well as many galerists that became important at some point in Joseph Beuys' career - Anneliese Jährling (Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal), René Block (Berlin), Anny De Decker und Bernd Lohaus (Wide White Space Gallery, Antwerpen), Bernd Klüser (Munich), Erhard Klein (Bad Münstereifel) und Heinz Holtmann (Cologne) – recall their meetings, experiences and projects with Beuys in this volume of compiled interviews and texts.
These contemporary witness's accounts are expanded by various illustrations and document and give new insight into one of the most important artists of the second half of the 20th century.