Stefan Forster – Chasing Light
240 pages, 25 x 32 cm , 2059 g.
Stefan Forster – Chasing Light
Was €50.00 €19.95
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Up to 36 kilograms of camera and camping equipment - that's how much weight the Swiss photographer Stefan Forster lugs to remote places to find the right moment, the right light for his unique photographs. With great passion, he often wanders through deserted areas for weeks at a time. Lonely kayak tours have taken him to the west coast of Greenland, to the islands of Micronesia and through the swamps of Louisiana and Texas. He captures magnificent scenery in impressive quality and colour intensity - sometimes on land and water, sometimes from the air.

This book shows his most beautiful discoveries to date: from rare rain fronts in the driest desert on earth to northern lights shimmering through icebergs to spectacular shots of the Rocky Mountains.


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