André Thomkins SET (2 vols.)
568 pages, 0 x 0 cm , 2300 g.
André Thomkins SET (2 vols.)
Eternal Network + Lackskins
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Our André Thomkins SET includes the following books:

André Thomkins – Lackskins
Stephan Kunz, Dagmar Streckel (ed.). Scheidegger & Spiess 2012. Contributors: Daniel Spoerri, Carlheinz Caspari. Text in German, English. 160 pages, 17 x 23 cm. 514 g. Paperback with flaps. ISBN 9783858813640
List price 44,– €

André Thomkins – Eternal Network
Dagmar Streckel, Friedemann Malsch (ed.). Exhib'publication. Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein. Kerber 2013. Contributors: Wilfried Dörstel, Eugen Gomringer, Gregor Jansen. Text in German. 408 pages, 420 ills. 20,5 x 25,7 cm. 1738 g. Hardcover. ISBN 9783866787056
List price 49,95 €


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