Gert & Uwe Tobias
96 pages, 23.5 x 28 cm , 768 g.
Gert & Uwe Tobias
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The terrific twosome of Gert and Uwe Tobias reappears here with an artists' book featuring recent work, especially their unique woodcuts.

Conceived as an accompaniment to important shows in Switzerland and Austria, this elegantly produced book compiles recent works and plays with collage as a stylistic medium. The works appear at first in full, and then reappear subsequently in sections. Time and time again it becomes apparent how diverse stylistic elements (including embroidery patterns, portraits, pictograms, panel paintings, and history paintings) can coalesce to form a new picture.

This book demonstrates the astonishing bandwidth of the Tobias brothers' talent, and shows off the continual stylistic refinement in their work.
LanguageGerman, English
Illustrationswith num. ills
ContributorsAnita Shah, Gerald Matt & Angela Stief
Type of bookExhib'publication
Museum / PlaceKunsthalle Wien, Museum Franz Gertsch
Article IDart-14046


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