Ulrich Wüst – Wandern in Geschichte | Wanderings About History
84 pages, 24.5 x 32.5 cm , 564 g.
Ulrich Wüst – Wandern in Geschichte | Wanderings About History
Die Fotografie von Ulrich Wüst | The Photography of Ulrich Wüst
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Ulrich Wüst's photographic work can be perceived from different perspectives. The observations he captures in his images may ultimately have their roots in the division of Germany and the processes of overcoming it. But they also always concern universal phenomena of social change and its material manifestations. His succinct and very precisely composed images are the result of long visual wanderings in places that tell of our contemporary history.
Editorifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
PublisherSpector Books
CoverThread binding
LanguageEnglish, German
Author(s)Matthias Flügge
Article IDart-60411


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