Balanced Structures by Schnetzer Puskas
224 pages, 17.5 x 25 cm , 755 g.
Balanced Structures by Schnetzer Puskas
(Deutsche Ausgabe) | erscheint Ende Juni!
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The famous civil engineering firm Schnetzer Puskas, based in Basel, Zurich, Bern and Berlin, celebrated its seventieth anniversary in 2023. A good time for a look back at the work done so far, a look ahead to future projects and current engineering topics. Edited by Dino Simonett and Tivadar Puskas.

From the table of contents:

I From the master builder to the modern structural engineer
II Seventy years of passion: from Heinz Hossdorf to Weiss-Guillod-Gisi to Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure
III Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure in portrait: Photo essay by Albrecht Fuchs
IV Outstanding projects of the last then years
V Outlook on key projects of the next ten years
VI Essays on current topics in engineering by Jeannette Kuo, Mike Schlaich, Pierre de Meuron, Emanuel Christ, Elli Mosayebi, Klaus Littmann, Philippe Block, Andreas Ruby, Andrea Frangi, Reiner Müller, Sarah Springman, Roger Boltshauser, Heinrich Schnetzer
VII List of works 2013–2023

Texts of Schnetzer Puskas Engineers by Tivadar Puskas, Kevin Rahner, Stefan Bänziger, Jan Stebler, Salome Hug, Giotto Messi
Editor’s note by Dino Simonett
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