Jeff Koons
134 pages, 24 x 28 cm , 1210 g.
Jeff Koons
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The man who enshrined a hoover vacuum and a basketball, who created a life-sized polychromed wood replica of Michael Jackson and his pet chimp Bubbles, who transfered his sex life with Italian porn star wife Ilona Staller into art, and who made a monumental topiary sculpture in the shape of a puppy, is back! After a seven-year hiatus from the public eye, bad boy Jeff Koons returns in this comprehensive and overdue survey of his work of the past five years. Three elaborate, highly-produced series are presented, including the joyously effusive "Celebration," an ambitious body of 16 photo-realist paintings and 20 stainless steel sculptures that draw upon the symbols and objects associated with the observance of life's festive rituals.
PublisherWalther König
LanguageGerman, English
ContributorsEckhard Schneider, Alison Gingeras
Type of bookExhib'publication
Museum / PlaceKunsthaus Bregenz
Article IDart-42431
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