El poder de la duda/ The Power of Doubt
176 pages, 22.3 x 26.2 cm , 850 g.
El poder de la duda/ The Power of Doubt
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Art is an imaginative, but also realistic, way to approach and question the world. The Power of the Doubt superposes site-specific installations and works in various new and old media, and somehow rooted in photography as a model on perception. These works embody the need to doubt the mainstream way of seeing, recording and communicating the real world, wich again oscillates between spectacular truths and dramatic fictions. Most of the artist are from regions of China or Eastern Europe, wich have experienced drastic changes from communism to capitalism, or South Asia or Africa, where people continue to negotiate the options of life between a colonial legalcy and present-day gepolitical conflicts. With very diverse interests in artistic and intellectual pursuits, the artists give voice to the collective doubts and desires of their societies. Images of Hamra Abbas, Adel Abdessemed, Du Zhenjun, Thierry Fontaine, Shaun Gladwell, Jiang Zhi, Dinh Q Lê, Wangechi Mutu, Pak Sheung Chuen, Dan Perjovschi, Shahzia Sikander, Nedko & Dimitae Solakov, Sun Xun, Tsang Kin-Wah and Wong Hoy Cheong.


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