Markus Raetz – Blickwechsel
362 pages, 15 x 23 cm , 854 g.
Markus Raetz – Blickwechsel
Texte zum Werk
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Markus Raetz is one of the most prominent contemporary swiss artists. He accomplished to get his early works included in documenta 4 and 5 and his works were represented in Harald Szeeman's seminal exhibition When Attitudes Become Form. In his works Raetz discusses the human perception, using various materials and media.

This volume collects texts on several works by (among others) Jean-Christophe Ammann, Harald Szeemann, Theo Kneubühler, Dieter Koepplin, Richard Häsli, Reinhardt Stumm, Wolfgang Bessenich, Erika Gysling-Billeter, Bice Curiger, Margrit Staber, Theo Kneubühler, Wilfried Skreiner, Niklaus Oberholzer, Toni Gerber, Jürgen Glaesemer, Annemarie Monteil, Johannes Gachnang, Ad Petersen, Gijs van Tuyl, Jörg Zutter, Walo von Fellenberg, Bernhard Bürgi, Francois Grundbacher, Matthias Vogel, Max Wechsler, Beat Wismer, Gilbert Lascault, Toni Stooss, Alain Cueff, Urs Stahel
EditorStephan Kunz
PublisherVerlag für moderne Kunst
CoverPaperback with flaps
Illustrationswith partly fullp. ills
Museum / PlaceNürnberg
Article IDart-08198


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