Dürer's Journeys
304 pages, 24.1 x 29.2 cm , 1898 g.
Dürer's Journeys
Travels of a Renaissance Artist
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Dürer’s Journeys is the first detailed survey of the extraordinary achievements of Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) through his career as an international travelling artist.

This richly illustrated book explores Dürer’s unrivalled status as an artist-entrepreneur, explorer and innovator, and latterly as a man grappling with the new Lutheran challenges to conventional religious beliefs. Bringing together a wide range of his paintings, drawings and prints, this volume explores Dürer’s relations with artists from Italy to the Low Countries, as well as the phenomenon of artistic exchange in Renaissance Europe. Dürer produced some of his most beautiful and striking portraits during his travels and his powerful influence can be seen on artists including Jan Gossaert, El Greco and Giovanni Bellini.

Dürer’s fame as a painter, printmaker, draughtsman and designer have endured to this day, making him one of the most intriguing, vivid and influential figures of the Renaissance. Dürer’s treatises and letters, and his detailed journal documenting his journey to the Low Countries in 1520-1, offer insights into his artistic practices and encounters with artists and patrons, as well as the nature of travel in the early 16th century.
PublisherYale University Press
ContributorsSusan Foister, Peter van den Brink et al.
Type of bookExhib'publication
Museum / PlaceNational Gallery, London
Article IDart-45229


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