Peter Fink – My Mind's Eye
176 pages, 24 x 28.8 cm , 1376 g.
Peter Fink – My Mind's Eye
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Beginning as a designer, Peter Fink (1907, Grand Rapids – 1984, New York City) traveled the globe from the 1950s to 1970s, moving in hidden streets and industrial towns of postwar Japan, France, Portugal, northern Africa, and the Middle East, photographing workers and street scenes.

Arts and culture are recurring themes, as well as the life of workers, families or children in each new place he observed, but also expressive portraits and fashion, surreal still-lives, or his radical Refractions – reflections on architecture.

In his lifetime Peter Fink was included in fifty solo shows in institutions throughout the world. His work is held in prominent museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and the Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main.
EditorCelina Lunsford, Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
ContributorsAndrea Horvay, Celina Lunsford
Article IDart-41894


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