Liebe in Zeiten der Revolution
200 pages, 24 x 27 cm , 1266 g.
Liebe in Zeiten der Revolution
Künstlerpaare der russischen Avantgarde
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The Kunstforum Vienna will focus on the ground-breaking achievements of the Russian avant-garde from a new perspective: the artist couple.

Equality of status in production and ways of living for men and women artists in the context of the October Revolution (1917) not only eschews the image of the "solitary artistic genius", but establishes an interconnection of art and life, public and private. Artist couples like Vavara Stepanova and Alexander Rodchenko, or Natalja Goncharova and Mikhail Larionov connected all genres of artistic creativity to the formation of theories and aesthetic action, formulating through their art the political aspiration for a change in life. Although the artist duo could not always realise their ambitions with the corresponding equality of status, and it remained a theoretical construct, this form of life and creativity nevertheless fostered the crystallisation of a society's gender ideology.

The catalog investigates what work methods and formations of personal and power relationships were developed by the Russian avant-garde and what special structural features of artistic identity, creativity and production were the results.
EditorIngried Brugger, Heike Eipeldauer, Florian Steininger
Type of bookExhib'publication
Museum / PlaceBank Austria Kunstforum Wien
Article IDart-16451


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